Autumn HollowAutumn Hollow
Contact me at theyoungfamily (at) earthlink (dot) net

20 March 2006
Concrete Cutie
I forgot to mention that yesterday we went to a small lawn ornament place on Atlanta Road; the lady operates out of her yard, which is scattered with metal and concrete lawn ornaments and benches, fountains, some plants and a beautiful screen house (it's actually an oval gazebo, but is screened in and has a solid screen door and you can wire it for electricity—too cool). James is looking for a "moat monster," one of those pseudo Loch Ness Monster things where you have three pieces: the head, the bowed arch of the body, and the tail. We'd seen a small one in a magazine once, but she only had a larger one. Will need to look some more.

There is a space right in front of the brickwork of the porch that is open and I would like a St. Francis statue there. She had a couple, but I'm still looking. JoAnn has a painted one I would like to see again and Lowe's has a resin one.

I did buy one figure—it was only $4.00. It was a baby bunny about the size of a softball, grooming one of its hind feet. I put it out front under a bush, to join the resin fox and resin "sitting up" rabbit already there.