We slept as late as we could, then had a Typical Southern Breakfast (Waffle House, of course), and then tackled the old house. Cleaning had been ignored for several weeks as we packed, packed, packed, and I wanted everything scrubbed and cleaned. James also had to clean out the rest of the shed and dismantle our old bed and get a few books and a couple of shelves we had left behind. I dusted, vacuumed, scrubbed out bathrooms, washed windows, gave the fridge a surgical cleaning, scrubbed the counters, etc. We were there six hours and then decided to leave the den and the downstairs bathroom for tomorrow, when we will also dismantle the old computer desk and take the boxes to Goodwill to donate. (Unfortunately one of our efficient movers took the box of books destined for the library and took it to the house instead. I told you they were good!) We have some hooks to take down as well and four switchplates to replace (I have cross-stitched switchplates dotted around the house.)
Oh, well, time to unload the car and the truck...
. . . . . Linda at
7:37:00 PM